
class refraction_render.calcs.CurveCalc(R0=6370997.0, **std_atmosphere_args)[source]

Bases: refraction_render.calcs.calculators.Calc

Calculator used for calculating rays on a spherical earth in an atmosphere.

__init__(R0=6370997.0, **std_atmosphere_args)[source]

Iintialize CurveCalc object.

R0: float, optional

Radius of the sphere for this calculation.

**std_atmosphere_args: optional

arguments to std_atmosphere object.



Iintialize CurveCalc object.

solve_ivp(d, h[, dh, alpha])

Solve initial value problem for light rays.



Radius of the sphere in this calculator.


Atmospheric model used for this calculator.

property R0

Radius of the sphere in this calculator.

property atm_model

Atmospheric model used for this calculator.

solve_ivp(d, h, dh=None, alpha=None, **kwargs)

Solve initial value problem for light rays.

d: float

maximum distance to solve the light rays.

h: array_like (n,)

initial height of rays.

dh: array_like (n,), optional

initial derivatives of the rays.

alpha: array_like (n,), optional

initial angle of the rays.

**kwargs: optional

extra arguments which get passed into Fermat equation solver.