
class refraction_render.calcs.FlatCalc(**std_atmosphere_args)[source]

Bases: refraction_render.calcs.calculators.Calc

Calculator used for calculating rays on a flat earth in an atmosphere.


Initialize FlatCalc object.

**std_atmosphere_args: optional

arguments to std_atmosphere object.



Initialize FlatCalc object.

solve_ivp(d, h[, dh, alpha])

Solve initial value problem for light rays.



Atmospheric model used for this calculator.

property atm_model

Atmospheric model used for this calculator.

solve_ivp(d, h, dh=None, alpha=None, **kwargs)

Solve initial value problem for light rays.

d: float

maximum distance to solve the light rays.

h: array_like (n,)

initial height of rays.

dh: array_like (n,), optional

initial derivatives of the rays.

alpha: array_like (n,), optional

initial angle of the rays.

**kwargs: optional

extra arguments which get passed into Fermat equation solver.