
class refraction_render.renderers.land_model(ellps='sphere')[source]

Bases: object

This class is used to grab slices of the tarrain alon great circle slices of the earth.


Simple wrapper which does the bilinear interpolation of terrain data.

ellps: str, optional

String representing which pyproj datum to use for the data being interpolated.



Simple wrapper which does the bilinear interpolation of terrain data.

add_elevation_data(*args[, smooth])

Add terrain data to the interpolated model.

get_terrain(lat, lon, heading, dist)

Sample terrain along geodesic defined by an intial latitude and longitude point along a heading at different distances.



flag if True the terrain object has land else it has no land.

add_elevation_data(*args, smooth=False)[source]

Add terrain data to the interpolated model.

args: tuple

tuple which contains elevation data: if len(args) == 3: args = (lats,lons,elevation) which contains the regular grid values and elevation values on that grid. if len(args) == 2: args = (points,elevation) which contains unstructured collection of points for the elevation data.

smooth: bool, optional

If True, then use 3rd order bivariate spline to interpolate data, otherwise use faster linear interpolation. default is False.

get_terrain(lat, lon, heading, dist)[source]

Sample terrain along geodesic defined by an intial latitude and longitude point along a heading at different distances.

lat: array_like

latitude(s) which starting point(s) begin at

lon: array_like

longitude(s) which starting point(s) begin at

heading: array_like

heading(s) which determine which direction to go on the spheriod

dist: array_like

distance(s) in meters of how far to go along the heading


This function follows NumPy’s broadcasting rules for handing arguments of different shapes.

property has_data

flag if True the terrain object has land else it has no land.