
class refraction_render.renderers.Scene[source]

Bases: object

Simple wrapper which keeps track of data used to render an image.


This function initialized Scene object.



This function initialized Scene object.


Add terrain data to the interpolated model.

add_image(image, image_pos, dimensions[, …])

Add image to scene.



Object used to generate elevation along great circle.


Add terrain data to the interpolated model.

args: tuple

tuple which contains elevation data: if len(args) == 3: args = (lats,lons,elevation) which contains the arguments for scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator. if len(args) == 2: args = (points,elevation) which contains the arguments for scipy.interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator. if len(args) == 1: args = object that is instance of land_model.

add_image(image, image_pos, dimensions, direction=None)[source]

Add image to scene.

image: str

string which contains path to image file.

image_pos: array_like

either has (h_obj,lat,lon) or (lat,lon) h_obj is height above the earth’s surface

dimensions: tuple

contains dimensions of the image is in meters. If either one has value -1 then that dimension is determined by the resolution of the picture.

property land_model

Object used to generate elevation along great circle.